Doctor Dolittle

I have qualms I'd like to discuss.
I'm just afraid that if we let a big company
like Calnet take us over,

you know, we're not gonna be us any more.
- You know? We'd be them.
- Let me explain.

"Them" has the best hospitals,
the best labs,

and "them" is gonna pay us
a very big, giant amount of money.

I swear to God that
when I think about the money, I get teary.

- Look at me.
- Those are real tears in his eyes.

So Saturday we're sitting down with the
Calnet people. I'm very excited about it.

Hey, wait. Whoa. Saturday morning? I'm
supposed to take my family to the country.

Well, don't.
You see? It's happening already.
- What?
- You're being forced to neglect your family.

Gene, relax. No such thing.
- Mrs O'Brien?
- Yes.

How are you? Is your tummy still...?
Saturday morning, guys.
Gene, no tank tops, please.

- Mrs Parkus.
- Yes, Doctor?

- Mrs Parkus. Have you eaten shellfish again?
- Just soft-shell crab.

- And what's the middle word?
- Shell.

Rodney's lost. He's not in his cage.
Y'all get going. I'll find your hamster.
- He's a guinea pig.
- Whatever. It's a rodent. I'll find the rodent.

Hey, Nutmeg, let's go.
You better wipe that look off your face.
That's better.
- She's turning into a wise ass.
- She's turning into you.

You know, there's more to this HMO deal
than money. You sell, they own you.

This will be good for us.
I am so tired of that rap. It's always for us.
But sometimes I don't know who "us" is.

What do you mean? Us is us.
Me and you and Maya and Charisse.

Lisa, the more money you have, the more
time you can spend with your family.

Meanwhile you'll just have to make do with
this fancy sports car you always wanted.

- Right here. Beautiful.
- Oh, my God, John. You didn't!
