Doctor Dolittle

All right. But don't think
I wasn't gonna jump, because I was.

Hope you're a better doctor
than you are a singer.

Good job, doc. Although seeing
a tiger jump five stories would've been cool.

I heard that.
Hey, Dr D. Three o'clock, Calnet. Meeting to
go over the agreement. You gonna be there?

You're not gonna believe what I got for us.
Corporate cars - every two years.

Why aren't you paying attention to me?
Atlas of Feline Anatomy for Veterinarians.
But, John, we treat humans.

Hey, Mark, sit down a second. Just a minute.
- OK.
- Do you remember when we started out?

We had crummy offices in the worst
neighborhood and got paid almost nothing.

- I've blocked it out.
- Really?

- I guess so, yeah.
- Those were the most exciting times to me.

It was like, you felt like
you were making a difference, you know?

And last night I had to treat some...
some emergencies.

And I was challenged, and it was difficult,
and I got the same kind of rush
I had back then.

I felt like I was doing something,
like I was making a difference.

And I started thinking that here I'm not giving
my patients the right amount of attention.

Do me a favor. Don't confide in me.
I'm utterly useless. I'm very self-absorbed.

Let's get Geno.
Hey, Geno?
You did your job just by pretending
you were listening. It was very helpful.

- Any time.
- OK.

- Calnet, three o'clock.
- Three o'clock sharp.

- This is Dr Fish.
- The author of Feline Illnesses and Diseases?

Yes it is. You've read my book?
Have I read your book? I sleep with
your book next to my bed. It's my bible.

Well, some people consider it
the definitive work on cats, but

bible? I... I... I...
