Doctor Dolittle

Pop, help out. I can't be late for this.
- But Rodney wants to come.
- Rodney cannot come.

This is a press conference for people.
No animals allowed.

- Why don't you tell him? He'll listen to you.
- No, I am not going to tell him.

Help out.
Come on, Pop.
- Can I tell you a secret?
- Yes.

When Mommy told me what happened
to Daddy, I wasn't afraid - I was happy.

Because I believed
that he can talk to animals.

Because I wanted Dad to be weird. Like me.
- Is that wrong?
- No. No, it's not wrong.

It's just, sometimes
I don't think he likes me much.

Honey, he loves you.
I know he loves me. I don't think he likes me.
And I really want him to.
I'm gonna try to do things his way.
And stop doing these stupid experiments.
No, Maya.
Don't stop your experiments.
Sometimes daddies are the ones
who need to change.

- Let me park this car.
- All right. Come on, girls. Let's go.

Maya. Let me talk to you a second.
- We'll be in there in a second.
- OK.

Hey, listen.
I don't think your egg is a stupid idea.
It's kinda cool.

- You do?
- Yes.

You have curiosity and ideas,
and that's what makes you special.

- You mean weird.
- I didn't say weird. I said special.

Being weird's not so bad. A lot of the greatest
people in history were considered weird.

- Like who?
- Lots of people. Albert Einstein.
