to know that you're
an illustrious lamb.
So God made you a saint...
and your family, a martyr?
Less the first than the second,
your lordship.
Why do you think they chose...
and by ''they'' I suppose I mean
the countess, the priest...
the mayor
and other luminaries of Jerusa...
a retired school master
to be the girls' tutor?
It's very clear, your lordship.
Because there was no one else.
I've never been a master...
who liked caning
or tweaking ears.
I've never believed
in beating education into someone.
Maybe that's why...
some pupils
have laughed at me...
and hung paper dolls on my back.
in other times...
I was a man of studies...
and I accumulated knowledge.
misfortunes have unsettled
my mind...
and now...
Now I'm a disaster, sir.
You've got all my respect.
The man who doesn't fool himself
when speaking of himself...
is a wise man,
and as he is wise...
he is also humble.
Your lordship honors me
too much.