( Dolly, Laughing )
We don't snoop
into other people's lives.
( Coronado )
Come, now. Themistocles,
born in Thebes...
defeated the Lacedaemonians.
No, not my glasses!
You'll break them on me!
You two drive me crazy
with your mischief.
( Girls Chanting Together)
She doesn't know.
I'll have to speak
to your mother, to her ladyship.
My conscience won't let me
deceive her.
It's terrible if she thinks
I'm teaching you something...
when really you don't want
to learn.
All Mother wants...
is that we should
always be out of doors...
and be as sturdy
as peasant girls.
And does your grandfather
want you to be donkeys too?
Grandfather loves us,
rough or polished.
To say your grandfather loves you
does him little justice.
He adores you.
Dear Nelly and Dolly...
I have to ask you a favor.
While he's here...
with you, you have to spend
a lot of time with him...
and chat with him,
and spoil him...
because he's a child too.
You're so good, Pio.
We love you very much too.
I know.
The participle.
The participle...
is something...
that's part ofa sipple.
That isn't the slightest bit funny,
Miss Dolly.
-Pio, come on, don't be angry.
-Don't be angry?
We don't like knowing what's in books.
We like to know things.
You have to know
about everything,just in case.