El Faro

One of them was caIIed Trini
and the other Maria Jose.

It was March 16th,
her birthday.

-Why did we come back from Spain?
-I toId you.

Dad couIdn't get used
to Iiving there.

Fifteen years and
he never got used to it!

Is it true what dad said? That I was
the pretty and you the smart?

Dad never said that.
He said you were pretty
because you took after him.

You have big mustaches!

-I Spy...
-Don't bother!

I Spy something that begins
with an M and ends with a I.

-What's up with Michi?

-Come on, Meme.
-''Come on, Meme'', what?

You bIushed!
You're dating Michi!

I'II teII him...
you peed
aunt AngeIita's decanter.

Good morning!
HeIIo, Tina.

-How are you?
-The baby is fussy today.


Why don't you go and
smoke this at home?

Is this the non-smoking area?
The poIice may show up and cIose
the pub and I wiII Iose my job.

I have a famiIy to support.
-You're taIking too much, parrot.
-Try one of these.

Those kiII peopIe.
You know what Boris wouId say?

-That they cause emphysema.
-Don't teII me!

What eIse wouId Boris say?
That those you smoke cure the fIu?

He'd say that among
the many virtues of cannabis...

it is the cure of gIaucoma.
The eyes, parrot.

Some members of my famiIy
went bIind because of it.

And I do want to see the buIIet that
wiII kiII me when I say good-bye...

to this Iife swarmed with grievance.
WouId you commit suicide?
Is that true, Andy? WouId you?
