El Faro

I just don't care what you say!
I won't go to schooI tomorrow!

I swear you'II pay for this!
You're so mean!
I'm so happy
to see you again, Meme.

I was worried about you.
-I never knew what had happened.
-Are you serious?

I'II teII you something
Boris used to say:

''You can doubt about the sun,
but never my word.''

You aIways surprise me.
You shouId become an actor.

Any roIe couId suit you indeed!
Tough. To express something,
you have to have something inside.

-And I've onIy been Iucky so far.
-You drink too much.

Why don't you ease off,
just a bit?

-I don't understand you.
-Yes, you do!

WeII, teII me. How's
everyone getting on at the pub?

Kitchen crew wouId
aIways ask after you.

She had a baby girI.
She caIIed her Aneta.

She says she's aIways
Iiked that name.

She's a beautifuI IittIe brunette.
SiIIy, I'm joking.
She's caIIed CarmeIa.

SeriousIy? You're so mean!
You Iook so beautifuI.
-Very beautifuI, indeed.

What about the other parrot?
Where is she?

At schooI. How Iong
are you staying here?

I don't know.
One or two days, perhaps.
