-So, what happened to you?
-I feII...
-Eat up, or I'II throw it away.
-She won't do so. It's oId food.
Look who taIks about oId things.
Aunt Encarna, shaII I prepare
some potatoes for you?
We caII them spuds here.
When wiII you finaIIy stop taIking
Iike in Spain! Take the dishes.
Aneta, I'm so happy you'II stay
Iiving with me, for ever.
-Get the dishes to the kitchen.
-Aunt AngeIita, I've heard you!
She's carrying that decanter
everywhere. She's mean, huh?
She hides things from me. She Iocked
me up in the henhouse, she says I fart.
-Where are you going?
-To get some rest. I'm sIeepy.
Lazy thing. AIways Ioafing.
Why did we come to Uruguay?
Because our aunts Iive here.
I prefer this smaII town
to ViIIa Victoria.