It's nothing, father.
WeII, is that aII?
-Anything eIse?
-No, father.
-WeII. Say two Our Fathers and...
-Oh, yes...
The other day I caIIed
my sister an asshoIe.
-I can't hear you. Speak Iouder.
-What happened?
-Nothing. Grab your teat.
Are you nuts or what?
You toId me I shouId grab my teat
when I see a cross-eyed, didn't you?
WeII, the priest is.
Oh, yes, he is!
WeII, what did you teII him?
-I cannot teII you. It's a secret.
-No secrets between sisters.
-And why are you taIking so Iow?
-How shouId I know...
I toId him you'd pee
in aunt AngeIita's decanter.
Shut up! They are here!
Why wouId you teII him that?
I was joking, Meme.
I didn't teII him anything.
You're compIeteIy crazy.
AII the same. You shouIdn't
do that to aunt AngeIita.
Are you okay?
You Iike them?
Someone might come in.
You Iike me?
It's nothing, I'm just singing.