I spy...
-I spy!
Got it now? !Fuck!
Oh, I'm sorry, Shorty.
Forgive me, pIease...
Three times one, three: three times
two, six: three times three, nine...
three times four, tweIve: three times
five, fifteen: three times six...
Enough! Who wiII ask me how much
is that when I am oIder!
You wiII need to know that
without being asked, you ignorant!
Don't study if you don't want to,
but come back to the room. Aneta!
No! You said we'd go fishing
if I studied hard.
You didn't study.
-AII the same. You'II have to.
-You have to Iearn Math tabIes.
You controI me because
there's no mom to defend me.
Don't give me that now.
Mom is dead and buried.
Lies! She's not buried.
You toId me so.
AII the same.
I'm in charge of you.
And how Iong wiII I have
to put up with you?
UntiI you're a reaI aduIt.
Not a midget.
-When I'm oId as aunt AngeIita?
-You know what I mean.
That's why.
When you're oIder and
you know the Math tabIes...
when you're eighteen and ready
to Iook after yourseIf.
When you no Ionger need me
and you start feeIing sorry of me!
I'm not sorry for you, girI.
I can waIk with a Iimp too?
It's easy! Anyone can do it.
UngratefuI kid!
You're such a...
I'II Ieave you aIone for ever.
You're so mean!
What are you Iooking at?