You couIdn't be so aIike.
I can't beIieve you're not
CeciIia Ezcurra's daughter!
You make the same disgusting face
when you don't Iike something.
Your mother and I were mates
at Sacred Heart SchooI, in Concordia.
She who's so angry with me, I heId
her in my arms when she was born.
So, you must be Aneta?
And my brother
was caIIed JuIian.
Did you know him too?
Is it true you heId Meme
in your arms?
Want some?
-ShaII I take this too?
-Yes, pIease.
When my husband died, CeciIia came
to visit me to the farm we have.
That was so comforting to me.
I remember that. We had just
come back from Spain.
Your mother and I were Iike sisters.
Neither of us had any sister.
WeII, I have a brother.