wouId never go straight again.
But I didn't care.
Do you understand?
It was twisted.
And I had struggIed
to straighten it up.
UntiI I met you.
And then I didn't mind going back
again to whom I used to be before...
having a heaIthy Ieg,
I didn't mind the pains in my back
or the crutches.
I understood that what was twisted
wouId never be straight again.
But I didn't give a damn.
We have to Iearn to Iive
with twisted things.
-Such is Iife.
-Don't pay attention to me anyway.
It's nonsense.
I get myseIf messed up.
I feeI things I can't describe.
-I'm a brute.
-I see.
There's nothing harder to keep
than a bad reputation.
Your whiskey...