In my tribulation I call to the Lord
and cry to my God
and He heard my voice
cry out His temple...!
Move back! Clear the way!
Move back!
Keep in line, woman!
By order of their gracious Majesties,
Queen Mary and King Philip,
we are come to witness the burning
of these Protestant heretics
who have denied the authority
of the one true Catholic church
and of His Holiness the Pope.
Let them burn for all eternity
in the flames of hell.
Benedicat te Omnipotens Deus Pater,
Filius et Spiritus Sanctus.
Benedicat te Omnipotens Deus Pater,
Filius et Spiritus Sanctus.
Benedicat te Omnipotens Deus Pater,
Filius et Spiritus Sanctus.
God bless you, Master Ridley!
For the love of God, friends, help me!
I burn too slowly!
Help them!
For God's sake, help them!