Come here.
Closer, so I might see your face.
When I look at you
I see nothing of the King.
Only that whore-your mother.
My father never did anything so well
as to cut off her head.
Your Majesty forgets
he was also my father.
Why will you not confess
your crimes against me?
Because, Your Majesty,
I have committed none.
You speak with such sincerity!
I see you are still a consummate actress.
My husband is gone.
They have poisoned my child.
They say it is a tumour.
Madam, you are not well.
They say this cancer
will make you Queen, but they are wrong!
Look there! It is your death warrant.
All I need do is sign it.
Mary, if you sign that paper,
you will be murdering your own sister.
You will promise me something?
When I am gone, you will
do everything in your power
to uphold the Catholic faith.
Do not take away from the people
the consolations of the Blessed Virgin.
When I am Queen
I promise
to act as my conscience dictates.
Well, do not think to be Queen at all.