lies your only surety.
The Duke is also most... handsome.
Very well.
Invite the Duke of Anjou.
We shall see him in the flesh.
The Duke will not take kindly
to a rival for his suit.
He is a traitor,
and his father before him.
Lord Robert's head
will end up on a spike,
not on the pillow of a Queen.
Must you leave?
I would not miss this for the world.
Today I shall watch the fall
of that heretic girl.
I have been placed here
as your sov...
I am your sovereign.
I have been placed here...
God has... God has placed me here...
I am your anointed sovereign...
I am your Queen...
And like my father I mean to rule.
There is one thing higher than royalty,
my Lords, and that
is religion.
I pass this... I pass this Act of...
I ask you to pa... I...