I ask you to pass this Act of Uniformity.
Not for myself. For my people.
They're my people...
There is one God. We have
a common... There is one God.
This is for my people.
My people are my care.
The only care.
My Lords, your votes are nothing
without my consent.
If there is no uniformity
of religious belief here
then there can only be fragmentation.
Disputes and quarrels.
Surely, my Lords, it is better
to have a single Church of England.
A single Church of England!
With a common prayer book.
And... and a...
And... a common purpose.
I ask you to pass
this Act of Uniformity
not... not for myself
but for my people
who are my only care.
Madam, by this Act,
you force us to relinquish
our allegiance to the Holy Father.
Hear, hear!
How can I force you, Your Grace?
I am a woman.
I have no desire
to make windows into men's souls.