My God! She loves it!
And I can't wait...
I dream of the moment
when we are naked together in bed
where I can stroke your thigh
and perhaps even
your quinny?
Would you like that?
Remove your hand.
Perhaps, Your Grace,
we shall think on it, but...
- I am deeply religious.
- But I am very religious, too.
Very religious, yes!
Your Holiness,
the priest from England is here.
Tell me, my son, what is the news
of our brothers and sisters in England?
Do they still support the sovereignty
of that illegitimate whore?
No, Holy Father.
They pray ceaselessly that England
may be recovered from heresy.
Prayers may not be sufficient.
I will ask for guidance in this matter.
But do not despair.
Was it not truly said
that the righteous shall inherit the earth?
Such piercing eyes!
And very indiscreet!