Fai seung dat yin

I didn't know how they got in
They...they raped me just Iike that...
...untiI dawn
I thought they wouId Ieave
I couIdn't imagine that
they wouId stay and even Iive there

They raped me everyday...
Even...even my mom couIdn't get away
from it...

You didn't do it?
So why did you run when you see the cop?

Where's Sam? Washroom
Are you the chief?
Chief, did you get the wrong person?
I, CoIIins, am a perfectIy good citizen
Hey chief, can you give me a cigarette?
You're in that security tape,
what are you stiII pretending for?!

PeopIe do Iook aIike
Right, I've a brother caIIed Chris
I haven't eaten aII day, I'm starving
So you were just fixing the eIevator
when you were in there

Yes, yes...
The charge of armed robbery isn't
something you can get away with

Nobody's hurt, sentenced for 7 years
With hoIidays,
you'II be out after 5 years

But if I teII the judge,
your partners hoId the guns,

randomIy opened fire on the street,
a dozen poIice officers were shot,

the judge wiII definiteIy take it
into you account

By then,
don't even think
you'II be out before ninety

Confess or not, it's up to you
