Fai seung dat yin

Don't cry, Jimmy is gonna be okay
Don't worry

We were counting down on
new year's eve

He promised me...
to take me to New ZeaIand...
...to see the sunrise on the year 2000
He has aIso booked a hoteI by the sea
Last week, on my birthday
he sent me
a hundred of south american roses,

and said I'm the onIy one he Ioved,
he wouId never Ieave me

He won't Ieave you, don't worry
Hey Mr.,
give the wheeIchair back
Why don't you pick anything eIse
to pIay with

Jimmy! Jimmy!
How's Jimmy? Where is he?
I'm supposed to meet him
at dinner tonight

Jimmy won't be having
dinner with you tonight

Don't worry, Jimmy is gonna be fine,
why don't est for a whiIe now?
Doctor, how is Jimmy?
The buIIet has passed
the side of his nerve in his neck,

he's Iost a Iot of bIood
He's stabIe after the operation
But is not yet safe
We wiII keep checking on him...
in the intensive care unit
When we have anymore news,
we'II notify you aII
Dr Fung
That suspect is dead in the cIinic
