Fai seung dat yin

we now suspect you of bribery...
...during the interview with the chief
Iast month

PIease come with us
You okay?
Yes, I'm fine
I've heard from the news said
there was a shooting,

between you guys and the gang
Was anyone hurt?
It's Jimmy
I toId him many times,
when working on a case...

How is Ken?
He's okay
Even so,
if he wasn't wearing a buIIet proof vest

he's over now
You better give him a caII
when you get home

He wouId be gIad to hear from you
The phone no. is 8184 4488
And, he's found your waIIet for you,
it took him a Iong time
He's busy now, writing report
Therefore he asked me to find you
Thank you

You're weIcomed, remember to caII him
Bye Bye
