Fai seung dat yin

Dinner time, where's Ken?
Did you bring you waIIet?
Give me your waIIet first,
don't say anything

BeIieve me, I'm a cop,
right I won't trick you

Hurry, hurry, hurry...waIIet hurry...
Okay, now miss, you may Ieave the car
What do you need that for?
Don't ask
Right, shouIdn't you give me back
my ID card first

Of course
But remember, it didn't happen
It didn't happen, cIear?
WeII, bye
This poIice car beIongs to
the West KowIoon squad,

aII the weapons have been taken away
Among the five cops, three were dead,
the other two are being hospitaIized

The Iast message on the radio said,
two hours ago,
they said they saw the fugitives,
the contact got cut off
when we heard a gun shot

It's beIieved that
it was that three men who took
the suspect in the ninth street shooting

IncIuding Jimmy,
they've aIready wounded or kiIIed
a dozens of poIice officer

Are these bastards nuts?!
