Fuck you.
Ask me more nicely, huh?
John Hobbes.
You're wanted in the dance hall.
Edgar Reese.
Well, well, well.
Look who's here.
It's the brilliant detective
who sealed my brutish fate.
That's right.
So, what's this?
They're making you famous now?
Big time. They're gonna put me
in the movies. Documentary.
All courtesy of the ACLU.
They'll shoot me getting smoked.
Who knows?
Maybe it'll be a big video rental.
All these society ladies showing it
to their dinner guests:
"You see that there?
That's a urine stain, ladies."
"Oh, my, it's not urine."
It's good to see you, Hobbes.
It's good to be seen by you, Reese.
...my best pal.
You're still a good fella.
Open the gate.
You remind me of somebody, Hobbes.
Indeed you do.
Indeed you do.
Do you like riddles?