Damn it, what took you so long?
You know what you'd look like
with this sandwich up your ass?
Pardon me?
Like a fat, stupid fuck
with a sandwich up his ass.
Charles, I hate to do this, but....
Put the job where the sandwich goes.
Here we go. Juice, pretzels...
Peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
Uncle John, will you please
make my lunch tomorrow?
Here's Toby.
I can't be having the same thing every day.
What do you want,
peanut butter and jelly sandwich?
Jelly and peanut butter?
I love you, Dad.
Don't forget your Uncle Johnny.
I can feel the love in this room, man.
-Be good.
-Have a good day at school.
-Okay. Bye.
You're doing a good job, Art.
Why don't you sit down with me?
Let's talk a bit.
You're not in a hurry?
No, no....
I can relax today.
Besides, what are they going to do?
Fire me?
-How're you doing?
-You're all right?