
I love you, Johnny.
You ever think it would be easier,
your life would be easier...

...if maybe me and Sam
were not living with--

No, no.
-Maybe Marcy wouldn't have left.
-Later for Marcy.

If she loved me, she would've never left.
Besides, family's always first.
You're my brother.

I love you, too.
But don't make the boy any more
peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.

-No more peanut butter and jelly.

A cop knows.
A cop sees.
Even the most casual thing, it registers.
Often you don't remember till later on.
But then...

...you look back and you realize...
...you knew.
Good morning, Detective.
How're you doing, Lieutenant?
Look who's feeling good today.
Hey, what can I say?
You're looking better than me.

Got a call on four, Hobbes.
Thank you, Denise. Jonesy?
How's everything today? Good?
Detective Hobbes.
Pal, you got a pen?
