You're surrounded by angels.
I teach theology at the university.
I see. Very beautiful.
Thank you.
Why do you want to know
about my father?
It's 30 years later and the files are sealed...
...and my boss was told to let it alone, so...
...here I am.
I can tell you what my mother told me
before she died.
Why do you want to know?
Just curious, or...?
No, ma'am.
See, I'm the detective
who caught Edgar Reese.
I'm not sure if you're familiar with him.
He was just executed.
-Yeah, I read about him.
And this Reese fella, he...
...in a roundabout way,
gave me your father's name.
Did Reese like to sing?
Yeah, he did, actually.
And at the execution,
did he try and touch you or grab you?
Yeah, he did. He shook my hand.
Do you want some coffee?
One condition:
You and I never spoke.
You say nothing to your boss or partner.
Nothing goes in the files.
My name and everything I say
is just between us. Agreed?
Will I get a cup of coffee if I say yes?
Detective, my dad was a good cop.
"Pride of the force" and all that.
And then he shot himself.
A reporter found out
my father had been under investigation.
He'd caught a killer,
but copycat crimes started.
Evidence mounted up against him:
fingerprints, witnesses.
The press never got real proof,
but my father's medal was rescinded.