Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

Aaah ! Aaah !
Ohhhhh !
Medicine !

- What ?
- Medicine !

Medicine ? Oh, yeah, medicine !
Right. Right here.

- [ Shrieking ]
- Don't worry. This man has a bad heart.

Angina pectoris.
But we have a cure for it.
Here you go. All right.

Big whiff. Big whiff.
Big whiff, sonny boy.

- Ah. There you go. Much better.
- [ Sighs ]

- Now for the doctor.
- [ Groans Loudly ]

[ Squealing ]
What the--
What the fuck are we doing out here
in the middle of the desert ?

Somebody call the police.
We need help.

- We need help.
We need help. We need help.
- [ Horn Honks ]

[ Laughing ]
The truth.
Truth ?
We're goin' to Vegas...
to croak a scag baron
named Savage Henry.

- It's true.
- Why ? Because I've
known him for years...

but he ripped us off.
- [ Duke ]
And you know what that means.
- And you know what that means.

- Right ?
- No.
- Mm-hmm.

Savage Henry...
has cashed
his check.

- Cashed his check.
- And we're gonna rip his lungs out.

- [ Hammer Clicking ]
- And eat them. That bastard
won't get away with this.

I mean, what is going on
in this country...

when a scum sucker like that
can get away with sandbagging
a Doctor of Journalism ?

- Hey !
- Thanks for the ride !

- Don't worry about me !
[ Giggling ]
- Wait a minute !

Come back
and have a beer !

Fuck. I'm gonna miss him.
- Move over !
- Did you see his eyes ?

We have to get out of California
before that kid finds a cop.

Scoot over,
you fat bastard.

- We had a real freak on our hands !
- Oh, shit.
