Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

welcome to the start of the
$50,000 Mint 400 Desert Race...

with a purse of $50,000
going to the winner...

of this grueling, gut-wrenching,

motocross extravaganza !

And there they go !
We've got
rooster tails goin' !

We're here to spit
in your enemy's eye !

There they go.
[ Mutters ]

[ Man On P.A. ]
All right, our second group
of ten is getting in place.

- Kawasakis, Triumphs, Maicos.
- [ Engines Revving ]

We're ready to go. It's the green flag,
and they're off !

Another great start with a lot of dirt
happening on this hill !

All right, here we go with
the third group. And they're off !

Number 45 riding
in the number-four position...

is choking
as the dust flies !

You'd better wet those bandannas
you got stretched over your face !

[ Cheering,
Engines Revving ]

[ Duke Narrating ]
There was something like
190 more bikes waiting to start.

- Gimme a beer, man.
- They were due to go off,
ten at a time...

every two minutes.
There you go, buddy.
[ Blows Nose ]
[ Sighs ]
-Goddamn it. What day is it ? Saturday ?

- More like Sunday.
- Ahh.

Hello ! Anyone ?
Have you seen the race ?
By 10:00 they were spread out
all over the course.

- Ohh !
- It was no longer a race.

Now it was
an endurance contest.

The idea of trying to cover
this race in any conventional
press sense was absurd.

- Hey ! It's pretty great, huh ?
- What ?

Come on in !
[ Shutter Clicking ]
I'm just gonna try different
combinations of lenses and film...

until I find something
that works in this dust !

[ Helicopter Blades Whirring ]
- What the hell ?
- [ Machine Gun Fire ]

That's fucking machine guns.
They're firing at us. Machine guns !

- [ Gunfire Continues ]
- It's a goddamn war zone !
Get us out of here quick !
