- ~ Smile on your brothers ~
- You could strike sparks anywhere.
~ Everybody get together ~
- ~ Try to love one another ~
- There was a fantastic
universal sense...
that whatever we were doing was right,
that we were winning.
And that, I think,
was the handle.
~ Some may come
and some may go ~
That sense
of inevitable victory...
over the forces
of old and evil.
Not in any mean or military sense--
we didn't need that.
Our energy
would simply prevail.
We had all the momentum.
We were riding the crest
of a high and beautiful wave.
- So now, less than five years later...
- ~ [ Continues ]
you can go up a steep hill
in Las Vegas and look west...
and with the right kind
of eyes...
you can almost see
the high-water mark...
that place where the wave
finally broke...
and rolled back.
- ~ Try to love one another right now ~
- [ Waves Gently Crashing ]
~ [ Electric Piano ]
~ [ Piano Continues,
Rock Band Begins ]
- [ Doorbell Buzzing ]
- ~ Want some whiskey in your water ~
- Room service !
- ~ Some sugar in your tea ~
~ What's all these crazy questions
they're askin' me ~
- Good morning, sir.
- ~ This is the craziest party
there could ever be ~
What do you want, man ?
What do you want ?
- Room service.
- Get out.
- ~ Mama told me not to come ~
- You're in the wrong room.
Get the fuck out !
- I've got a gun. It's not mine, really.
- ~ Mama told me not to come ~
- Uh, the-- the-- the bill.
- What ?
- Will you... s-sign for it ?
- Yeah, I'll get it. Hurry up.
Don't move, man.
Be very still.
There we go.
Say nothing
to no one, man.
~ Open up the window
Let some air into this room ~
[ Duke Narrating ] The decision
to flee came suddenly. Or maybe not.
- ~ That cigarette you're smokin'
'bout scared me half to death ~
- Maybe I'd planned it all along,
subconsciously waiting
for the right moment.
- ~ Mama told me not to come ~
- The bill was a factor, I think...