Imagine I hold a speech.
About you.
About how unstable you where.
That you always spoiled everything
for other children.
Burned their toys.
That you've always been a complete
That we had to come to France...
where they kept you in a mental
because you were completely crazy
and drugged.
at despair of your mother.
That you were extremely uncomfortable
with women.
Year after year you passed on
beautiful women...
because your a man of nothing.
I could tell about your sister,
you and your sister.
What about that ?
Did she say goodbye to you?
Was there a card or a letter? No.
For the others though.
She must have had her reasons.
You just abandoned here.
Like always.
You abandoned your sick sister.
She kept asking about you and
runned for the phone...
but you never called.
You were only interested in yourself.
And now you're dissing your family.
While we just want to see you happy.
Your mother wants you to leave.
I think you should stay.
Then you know how it feels to
blacken your family.
After this little pianical intermezzo...