
lt was like it never happened.
l kept everything you've sent me.
l keep everything
you ever touched...

ever since you were a baby.
What do l have?
Oh, yeah, oh, yeah.

My journal.
Once upon a time--
''Once upon a time,
there was a girl with golden hair...

who went to live
in a beautiful house.''

Always the same story.
Always different,
always the same.

Always the same.
Can l see?
Sometimes l think she was
a different person to everybody.

Sometimes l knew who she was.
Sometimes l didn't.
Anybody who tries to tell you
exactly who she was...

they didn't know her at all.
We did everything together.
Yeah, in those days.

Yeah, everything.
All right.
This is--
What can l say?
lt's you.

l found it on short notice.
That's what it looks like.
So, l was standing
in the middle of the living room...

and the bathroom door opens.
