
She's booked for 16 shoots this week,
but l'll see what we can do.

And you are erupting forms...
Tell Scavullo he can have her--
out of the center
of all this tired, old beauty.

Shaming them.
Excuse me?
Tired, old beauty?

You can have Renee. l know you want Gia,
but you can't have Gia. Not until June.

This little wop is not standing
in front of me. You got that?

l'm off to the side, or l walk.
Yeah, me too.
Does this dress
make my ass look fat?

Your ass is fat, honey.
And l'm not standing
next to her fat ass.

l know.
Life is so disappointing.
Here you are.
You have arrived.
You are here.
This is your moment.

What do you have?
You have pain.
When you have everything...
what do you have?
You have nothing.
When everything is right,
everything is wrong.

lt's disappointing.
lt's confusing.

This is life.
What can you do?

People keep going away from me.
That hurts.
