I will answer truthfully
any question that you put to me,
and in return, for each answer
you will remove an article of clothing.
I thi...
Thas funny, Mr. Whale.
Yes, it is, isn't it?
My life
as a game of strip poker.
Shall we play?
So the rumors are true then.
What rumors would those be?
That you were forced
to retire...
because of,
um, a sex scandal.
A homosexual scandal,
you mean.
For me to answer
a question of that magnitude,
you'll have to remove
both your shoes and socks.
You're a dirty old man.
Oh, it is kind of you
to indulge your elders in their vices,
just as I indulge the young
in theirs.
No, there was no scandal.
My only other vice.
I expect you'd like
a fuller answer to that question.
Ill cost you your jacket.
Too warm
for a jacket anyway.
You must understand
how Hollywood was 20 years ago.
If you were a star nobody cared
a tinker's cuss who you slept with,
so long as you kept it
out of the papers.
As for us directors, well,
outside Hollywood who even knows
who George Cukor is,
much less what he gets up to
with those boys from the malt shops?
George Cukor?
Who made A Star is Born?