Let me ask Hanna
to bring tea for two.
Or would you prefer
a beer?
Uh, no. Thanks.
But tea is fine.
Come in, Mr. Boone.
This is my workshop,
my studio.
Hardly somewhere where a sweaty workman
should feel out of place.
- Are these your paintings?
- Uh, yes. Yes.
Excuse me,
but, uh, are you famous?
Oh, well, you know what they say:
If you have to ask...
Look, I'm just a guy
who cuts lawns, but, uh,
some of these
do look familiar.
Thas because they were familiar
when I painted them.
The one you're looking at
is a copy of a Dutch still life...
done nearly 300 years ago.
And there's a Rembrandt
here somewhere.
Yeah, copies.
l-l... I got ya.
But before I retired, you might say
I had my time in the sun.
Fame, as it were.
- Tell me, do you like motion pictures?
- Yeah, sure. Everybody does.
- Why? Were you an actor?
- Oh, good Lord, no!
No... Well, actually,
I was, in my youth.
But never in Hollywood,
no, no.
No, here I was merely
a director.
- What were some of your movies?
- Oh, this and that.
The only ones you may have heard of
are the Frankenstein movies.
Frankenstein? And, um, uh,
Bride of Frankenstein?
- And Son of, and the other ones too?
- Uh, no.
I-I just directed the first two.
The others were done by hacks.
Yeah, but still, I mean,
th-those were big movies.
- You must be rich.
- Merely comfortable.
Look, Hanna's here with our
refreshments. Could you get the door?
Y-Yeah. Uh...