Gods and Monsters

So, what did she mean
by things going all "flooey"?

I'm recently returned
from a spell in hospital.

- What happened?
- Nothing serious.

Touch of stroke.
You must excuse
my staring,

but you have
the most marvelous head.

- Huh?
- To an artistic eye.

- Have you ever... modeled?
- What, you mean, like,
posed for pictures?

Sat for an artist?
Been sketched?

Mmm, n...
Whas to sketch?
You have the most...
architectural skull.
And your nose,
is... very expressive.

- Broke is more like it.
- Mmm.

Oh, sorry to go on
like this.

Is just
the Sunday painter in me.

I quite understand
your refusal.

Is a great deal
to ask of anyone.

You mean, you really
want to draw me?

I would pay for the privilege
of drawing that head.

Is just my head
you want to draw? Nothin' else?

And what are you

That you'll charge extra if I include
a hand or a bit of shoulder?

No, I mean,
you don't wanna...

draw pictures of me
in my birthday suit, do you?

I have no interest
in your body, Mr. Boone.

I can assure you of that.
Well, uh...
Why not?

I mean, hell,
I could use the money.

