There is much good in him,
but he will suffer the fires of hell.
- Is very sad.
- You sure of that?
Thas what the priests
tell me.
His sins of the flesh
will keep him from heaven.
- Hell, everybody's got those.
- No.
His is the worst.
The unspeakable.
The deed no man can name
without shame.
What is
the good English?
All I know is "bugger." He's a bugger.
Men who bugger each other.
A homo.
Yes! You know.
That is why
he must go to hell.
I do not think is fair,
but Goïs laws is not for us to judge.
So, what you're telling me is,
Mr. Whale is a homo.
You did not know?
Uh... Ye... l...
N-No. I wasn't very sure.
You and he are not...
Oh, no, no, no. Hanna.
Thas what I hope.
I did not think
you were a bugger too.
You must go in quickly.
He would not like
to think I've had you in the kitchen.
- Oh. How are you, Mr. Boone?
- I'm all right, I guess.
- I'm so glad you could come for lunch.
Princess Margaret.
"Her Majesty's loyal subjects
in the motion picture industry."
"Cordially invited to a reception
at the home of Mr. George Cukor."
The pushy little...
Horning in on
the Queen's little sister,
and then offering to share her
with the whole damn Raj?
This is a world
I finished with long ago.
I've paid them no mind, and I
expect them to return the compliment.