I, uh, I watched your movie
the other night with some friends.
- Did you, now?
- Yeah.
Did anyone laugh?
- No.
- Pity.
People are so earnest
these days.
- Why? Was it supposed to be funny?
- Yes, of course.
A picture about death, I had to
make it interesting for myself, you see.
So, a comedy about death...
The trick is not to spoil it for anyone
who's not in on the joke.
But the monster never
receives any of my jibes.
He's noble.
Noble and misunderstood.
In Korea, Mr. Boone,
did you kill anyone?
I don't like
to talk about that.
Is nothing
to be ashamed of.
In the service of one's country,
something to be proud of.
Any jerk with a gun
can kill someone.
Well, thas true,
Hand-to-hand combat
is the true test.
- Did you ever slay anyone hand-to-hand?
- No.
But I could have, though.
I believe you could.
How free is your schedule
this afternoon?
Well, I gotta trim the hedges, and then
I got another lawn out on La Cienega.
Suppose we say "phooey"
to the hedges.
Can you spare an hour
after lunch to sit for me?
I can't.
I'll pay you our going rate,
plus whatever you would have
got for the hedges.
I-I just don't feel like
sittin' still today.