Tam burada, efendim.
Haydi gidiyoruz, alt kata iniyoruz.
Bunu bu öðleden sonra bulduk.
Üstteki binanýn bir katý yýkýlmýþ.
Bu tünellerin arasýnda kendine tünel
açabildiðini keþfedince, güvenlik ..
... bölgesinin dýþýnda olabileceðini
- Bu adadan kaç çýkýþ var?
- 1 4. Hiç birini kullanmamýþ.
- Here, sir.
- Fall in.
Let's go, people.
Fall in downstairs.
Lieutenant Anderson and his men
found this this afternoon.
We were checking the office building
above when we found the floor was gone.
When we discovered he could burrow
through the tunnels, we realized...
he could be outside
the quarantine zone.
Holy Christ!
How many tunnels lead oft the island?
Only 14. We've checked them all.
He hasn't used any of them.