Hai shang hua

it's the end of the world!
Crystal asks the women
to track him everywhere.

And if they lose him?
Then she bursts into tears!
I tell you,
I've never seen the like!

That's what love is all about,
isn't it?

What happens
when they're together?

I'll tell you!
I visited him one morning...

and found them gazing
into each other's eyes.

Just sitting there,
gazing at each other!

Not saying anything?
Not a word!
Hopelessly lovestruck!

You know what that's called?
Tell us!
"Mental telepathy"! Let's drink!
Fate has brought them together.
Luo calls it "fate."
I believe in it!
Really? I call it "bad karma."
Notice how pale Yufu is?
He's caught in her trap!
He looks so pale, doesn't he?
One time I suggested a visit
to the opera.

You know what Crystal said?
"The opera's just
a lot of noise. Why go?"

So I suggested to go out
in a horse-carriage instead.

I thought they'd
enjoy looking around.

You know what Crystal said?
"Who wants to bump around
in a horse-carriage?"

And it didn't even end there!
My next suggestion was to go
and be photographed.
