Let's put this behind us.
Master Wang will buy you
clothes and jewelry...
and he'll clear whatever debts
you have.
That settles everything,
doesn't it?
I don't mind him
calling on Jasmin.
What I mind is the secrecy!
And he's with her
almost all of the time!
Master Tang, I've been with
Master Wang for 2 1/2 years...
and what you see in this room
is all that he's ever given me.
He's been calling on Jasmin
for only ten days...
and she already has
an entire new wardrobe.
Seeing what's going on...
his friends have rushed
to buy furniture for her.
Master Tang, you have no idea.
This is nonsense!
Flower girls are recompensed
for their services.
Their callers
have no responsibility...
for their other debts.
You're asking too much!
No flower girl relies
on just one caller...
and no gentleman limits himself
to one flower girl.
We can go wherever we please!
It's tedious
to even discuss this!
You're right, Master Hong.
No flower girl relies
on just one caller.
Our mistress has plenty
of other callers.
Why should she rely
only on Master Wang?
But Master Wang
made her a promise.
If he'd kept her promise...
our mistress
would have no complaint.
Now he's calling on Jasmin.
As you say, no gentleman
has to limit himself...
to one flower girl.
Our mistress can say nothing.
But while he
is calling on Jasmin...
our debts remain unpaid.
Consider, Master Wang...
which of us is being "tedious"?
You or our mistress?
All right.
None of this
properly concerns us.
Let's go.
Are you leaving now,
Master Wang?