Hai shang hua

I want to talk to you.
Come over here.

If you want to talk, then talk.
I don't want to see you
unhappy all day.

Every time I come,
you're unhappy.

You know how upsetting it is
to see you like this?

Don't be like this,
if only for my sake.

I'm unhappy, that's a fact!
What do you want me to do?

If you don't like it...
go somewhere
that you can be happy!

I'm being patient with you,
and you're so rude to me.

I said nothing when you came.
Not a word to offend you.
And all you can say
is that I look unhappy.

Now you say I'm being rude.
I think you're the one
who's being insensitive.

How can I be happy?
I see, it's always my fault.
If I behave like this again,
you might as well beat me.

But don't be like this.
