What secret would you like me
to tell you?
Like how come no matter how
much you treat me like shit...
I can't help lovin' you
even more?
- Dad?
- Yes, Billy.
What does "come" mean?
You know...
Well, you know sometimes
your penis gets erect?
Well, sometimes it gets so
excited that a sticky,
milky substance shoots out.
Yes, only "come" can be used
as a verb as well.
- Billy...
- Yeah?
Have you ever come?
Billy, it's all right
if you haven't.
But, I have.
- Billy?
- But...
everyone else in class
has and...
I want to come, too.
It's okay. It's okay.
Have you tried playing
with yourself?
You mean...
With your penis.
A little.
How did it feel?