
No. Why?
What happened?

- He died.
- Huh.

- Which one was he?
- I'm not sure.

Maybe Tom knows.

I'm sorry, I don't.
But you know,

I do remember a guy, vaguely,
who worked over there...

I think.
But, I'm not really sure.

How did he die?
Yeah, Joy, how did he die?
( phone beeps )
Sales, may I help you?
- Woman: Joy Jordan?
- Yes.

This is Andy's mother.
I hope you fucking rot in hell.
Joy, was he kind of
Latino looking?

And a little acne scarred?
Oh, yeah. You know, like uh,

- The actor...
- Yeah. Sure.

That was him.
- That's it. That actor.
- What's that actor's name?

- What actor?
- It has an A in it...

it's uh, oh you know,
something, something, something.

- Oh, I know.
- I can picture his face.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.
( begins to sob )
Joe something.
If I go thought the alphabet,
I can usually picture their name.

It's um...
Uh, I don't know why
I suggested this place.

Joy recommended it.
Well, at least we're together.
I never get to see you,
you're so busy.

- You're so busy.
- No, you are.

- No, you are.
- No, you are.

- I guess I am.
- Me, too.

If I have to do one more

I guess it's hard, huh?
