Dr. Maplewood?
Would it be all right
if I ate this tomorrow?
Well... sure but...
I don't know if it's gonna
taste any good tomorrow.
How is it?
Actually, it's really good.
( birds chirping -
bicycle bell rings )
- Oh, honey, I feel so good.
- Me, too.
I don't think I've slept
this well in so long.
Me neither.
It's weird, I feel as if we...
Bill, did we?
Did you...?
Did I?
I don't remember.
That's all right.
It doesn't matter.
It matters.
Forget about it.
It's funny, I remember
I was dreaming.
And you were there...
and Billy and Timmy
and Chloe...
and Johnny Grasso.
I can't really remember
anything more.