Nice driving, butt-wipe!
That's what you get
for taking my jacket!
Get off! Glad you're
enjoying yourself
but if he's dead,
how do we find the money?
I wouldn't worry.
He's still alive.
I'm gonna need
a little inspiration, son.
"With the raging flood,
"He makes an end of those
who oppose Him
"and He pursues His enemies
into darkness."
That's from one
of the more obscure...
I don't mean to
interrupt Bible study
but has anybody realised
how screwed we are?
We should be back
in the motel room
counting our money...
Nobody likes this
particular turn of events.
But we have a choice.
We can deal with it
or walk away.
There's a lot of money out there
so I choose to deal with it.
You wanna go?
Fine, start swimming.
You wanna stay, that's fine too.
But stop your goddamn whining!