Hard Rain

We thought it was empty.
Know what? The house
next door is empty.

What d'you say
we go back downstairs

and you two keep moving?
We're not gonna send these
people out to the wolves!

We're not, are we?
What's your plan,
General Schwarzkopf?

I just don't think...
I have to get
outta here anyway.

National Guard's gonna
be at the truck soon.

- He can use our boat.
- Henry!

He can't swim that far.
They are not taking our boat.
Fine, then.
Why don't you just...

- give them the TV set too?
- Karen.

And what about the china?
- I'm Tom.
- Watch yourself, Tom.

I don't wanna have
to save your life again.

Henry! Don't you ignore me!
You get right back
up here this minute!

Here you go.
You give away our only boat
in the middle of a flood.

You are a genius, Henry.
A regular Einstein!

You wanna come with me?
What are you waiting for?
A kiss goodbye? Get in here!
Do you know...
Thanks, man.
..what that rain
is doing to my curtains?

- Put that window down!
- All right.

Why don't we just get him now?
Nah. If our resourceful
young friend hears us coming,

he'll electrocute us
or sink us.

Or one of you knot-heads
will shoot him.

I know where he's going.

I'd like to know
where he came from.
