Water comes over the top again,
it's bye-bye dam, bye-bye town.
I could use a little
help here myself.
Remember when Jack Finch
was in Mike Crane's barn
and said he was gonna
burn it down?
I got the son of a bitch
to come out.
Before you went in, I deputised
you, you son of a bitch,
so when I tell you
to get down here,
it's not a request,
it's an order.
I won't need you for long.
Yes, sir.
Bring your gun.
We were gonna hit you
just before you got
to the Interstate.
You got stuck,
we had to change our plans.
This is bullshit!
- Bullshit!
- I knew Charlie
from when we both
worked construction
for the Johnstown Company.
His middle name was McCarthy
'cause his parents liked
the Charlie McCarthy radio show.
His wife, Mary, died a year ago
of a heart attack.
He had a son and a daughter...
Son of a bitch!
That was the plan?
Kill Charlie and keep
his share of the money?
That was an accident.
Kenny killed Charlie
'cause he didn't know
Charlie was on my side.
I never told him.
Kenny liked to talk.
Shouldn't even have been there,
but his father asked me
to look after him.
I didn't do too good a job.
Excuse me, Jim.
I hate to interrupt,
but can we just find the money
and get the hell outta here?
All right, now listen.
I'm gonna ask you one more time.
Before you start
bullshitting me again,
think of this.
I've had a very
frustrating night.
And while I may not find
the money if I kill you,
I'm at the point now
where I just don't care.
All right,
I'll tell you where it is
but I don't think
it's gonna do you much good.