- He's quarantined now. He's contagious.
- God!
One last thing.
Don't try any funny business.
- [ Groaning ]
- Any shenanigans, the deal is off.
- [ Groaning ]
- Any shenanigans, the deal is off.
Can't you make him shut up?
- The guy's in pain.
- Then give him something.
We got two more hours to go.
Man, I don't wanna hear that shit.
Two parole officers
will be assigned to you.
- Spivey, he's a black man.
- [ Groaning Continues ]
You should like him.
He should like you.
Your other chaperone is Crudup.
Quiet. But, as my father told me,
it's the quiet one's you have to watch.
Spivey, I'm sick
as a dog, man.
Here. Drink that.
Drink it.
[ Warden ]
Spivey and Crudup,
two of the best,
handpicked by me.
If necessary, these men have
been given a green light to shoot.
We don't give a shit about you,
or you being sick as a dog.
You wanna throw up, let us know.
We'll pull over.
You puke back there,
my main man Crudup will see to it...
that you lick it
all back up,
every single
nasty-ass drop.
You understand,
my brother? Capisce?
Yeah, capisce.
Can you pull over?
Remember what my main man Spivey said.
Don't get any in the car.
- Not a drop, not a speck.
- [ Vomiting ]
- Don't move too fast
- What up?
- Let's keep control
- What's up, bro?
[ All Chattering ]
He's always singin'.
- You know, right?
- Yo, I sound good though, man.
Better take this court over, yo.
- We gotta play for real.
- And don't be confused
You just have
to be willing
- Willing to end the-- Aw!
- Shit!
- [ Singing Continues ]
- Check out Rodman here.