He Got Game

It's open.
[ Laughing ]
Thank you, Jesus.
Thank you.
If man is the father
the son is the center of the Earth

In the middle
of the universe

Then why is this verse
coming six times rehearsed

Don't freestyle much
but I write 'em like such

Amongst the themes
controlled by the screens

What does it all mean
all this shit I'm seein'

Human bein's
screamin' vocal javelins

Sign of a local nigga

My wanderin'
got my ass wonderin'

Where Christ is
in all this crisis

Hating Satan
never knew what nice is

Check the papers
while I bet on ices

More than your eyes can see
and ears can hear

- Y ear by year all sense disappears
- Know y'all did your homework.

- Nonsense perseveres
Prayers laced with fear
- What's up?

Beware: two triple-0
is near

It might feel good
It might sound a little somethin'

But damn the game
if it don't mean nothin'

- What's up?
- What is game, who got game

- I saw you running.
- [ Continues ]

Don't even try to play it off.
If you would've been on time,
there would've been no need to run.

- The bus would've come sooner,
I would've been on it.
- I didn't tell you?

The B-36 don't come
until I get here, Lala.
