He Got Game

Mind your own business, man.
Yeah, you right.
Obviously, I'm wrong, brother.
It's my mistake, uh--

No disrespect.
I don't want no trouble, my man.
Bitch, what--
Get your motherfuckin'--

[ People Chattering ]
I gotta meet your brother.
Please let me meet your brother.

I have to meet him. We'll talk about
this tomorrow. See you later, Mary.

See you, Sarah.
Miss Shuttlesworth.
Boo Boo.
- It's okay.
- Daddy.

How're you doin', baby?
Oh! My little woman.
[ Kisses ]

- Daddy.
- How're you doin', baby?

Look at you. You done all grown up
and everything like that.

That's what I keep trying
to tell him.

- How's he doin'? How's your brother?
- Bossy as usual.

He's supposed to be bossy
and everything like that.

He's supposed to be,
taking care of his little sister.

Daddy, when did you get out?
Last night.
Look. Come on.
Let me walk you over to Uncle Bubba
and Aunt Sally's house.

We don't live there anymore.
He moved us out.

- Where you all live at?
- O'Dwyer Gardens.

Uncle Bubba
hasn't changed a bit.

So who payin' the rent?
- My brother.
- Your brother?

- He workin'?
- Naw.
