He Got Game

He asked me if I want
to go house shopping with him.

Looking for a big old house, too,
with, like, a green lawn and grass...

and lots of trees
and even a swimming pool in the back.

- Uncle Bubba told you that?
- Mm-hmm.

- I'm gonna have to talk
to that uncle of yours.
- All the kids in school say,

- I'm gonna have to talk
to that uncle of yours.
- All the kids in school say,

since I'm gonna be
so rich and famous, that...

I'm not gonna need to go
to school anymore...

'cause I already know how to count
and I'm just wasting my time.

If I hear you talkin' like that again,
I'll kill you myself!

Dang! Let go of me!
All those kids don't mean shit!
I'm raising you, nobody else!

- Get off of me!
- We're not rich.

We don't have no money.
We don't have shit.

If those were really
your friends, they wouldn't be
filling your head with bullshit.

I didn't say I believed it. I just said
that that's what people are saying.

- Can't believe you listen
to that bullshit.
- Fine! I'm sorry, all right?

You never tell me nothin'.
You never even have time for me no more.

Well, it's gonna be over
Monday morning, okay?

[ Sighs ]
[ Chuckles ]
I'm really trippin'.
I'm sorry. I apologize
for putting my hands on you, okay?

I'm just-- I'm afraid.
Me too.
I mean, I just want
the best for both of us.

And, you know, Mommy,
she wanted you to go to college.

All these people around here, half
these people aren't going to college.

Mommy wants you
to get your degree.

Why is Daddy here?
Why did he come back?

He's not gonna be here
much longer.

But, Jesus,
I miss him so, so much.

- Go to sleep.
- Good night.

[ Theme ]
Hello, everyone. I'm Robin Roberts.
Welcome to Sports Center.
